To sign-up to volunteer for any of the positions listed below, please click here.
"Freely you have received;
freely give" Matthew 10:8
Volunteer Descriptions
Adirondack Charm Booth for the Bazaar
Mary Moore, Judy Bean
Description: Moving boxes of retail items from the Chapel basement to the side room on August 1 and from the side room to the ADK Charms booth well before 9:30 A.M. on August 2
Time Commitment: 1 hour or less each day
Please Note: This is for one booth in the Bazaar only, not the needs of others for the Bazaar
Like to bake, but don’t want to take on coffee hour by yourself? Sign up as a baker, who would be willing to supply some goodies, and perhaps help serve. You will be matched with a coffee hour host who has indicated they would like some assistance.
Time Commitment
1-2 hours.
Balsam Bee (TBD)
Description: Annual one-day event held the last Saturday in July.
Balsam cutting is done locally one week prior and coordinated by John
Burrows. Bee events include balsam grinding, stuffing pillows, sewing
pillows, and in general extending a warm Chapel welcome to all who
attend. Sales that evening are routed to the Chapel Treasurer.
Time Commitment: Flexible. Set-up and clean-up on Bee day are volunteer opportunities. Opportunities for stuffing, sewing, and sales may extend beyond the one-day event.
Bazaar - Clothing Area
Help with clothing set up FRIDAY before the bazaar.
Help man the clothing booth day of the bazaar. Assist people to find the size they want. Keep tally of clothing purchases and write them on the checkout card.
Time Commitment:
1-3 hours carrying boxes up from the basement closet.
Bazaar Set Up and Take Down/Project Lead
Set up and take down tables, chairs and easy ups prior to and at the conclusion of the bazaar. Assist committee chairs as needed in set up and take down. Additionally the project lead must coordinate with the Bazaar Committee Chair, prior to the event, the actual location and types of equipment needed for each booth.
Time Commitment:
First Friday and Sunday of August. Approximately 4 hours each day.
Coffee Hour Hosts
The coffee hour hosts are responsible for bringing a treat, making the coffee and setting up and cleaning up the area where the coffee is prepared and served. (The Chapel provides the coffee, sugar, creamer, juice, cups, napkins, etc.). The treat can be whatever you want, whether home-made or bought. Full instructions are in the kitchen, both for making the coffee and for setting up, serving, and clean-up. You need to arrive at least ½ hour before the service to get the coffee pots going and preliminary set-up done. Trustees are also taking the lead in doing coffee hour, but volunteers are always appreciated.
Time Commitment
Approximately 2 - 2 ½ hours, depending on how long people linger over their coffee and treats.
Facilities Committee Member
The Chapel Facilities Committee has overall responsibility for maintenance and repairs to Chapel property, including the Manse. It also makes recommendations to the Trustees regarding major repairs and upgrades to Chapel facilities. Specific skills in the building trades are not required. The ability to work with contractors to get bids and get work completed in a timely manner helps.
Time Commitment:
The committee usually meets twice during the summer season. Project oversight can take a few hours a month, sometimes spread over an extended period. Satisfaction comes from seeing our beautiful church property kept in fine condition for future generations.
Finance Committee Member
It is the responsibility of the finance Committee to oversee the long-term financial health of the Chapel. Each year the Committee reviews the Chapel Endowment Investment Policy Statement and, if appropriate, makes recommendations for any changes, ensures adherence to the approved policy and reviews investment performance. The committee reviews the annual budget for presentation it to the Board of Trustees. Each year the finance books are audited to ensure compliance with commonly accepted accounting practices. Members of the committee need not be financial or accounting professionals but they should be familiar with investment terms, stock , bond and alternatives markets and financial statements. See chapel handbook for additional information.
Time Commitment:
One meeting and others as required.
Flower Committee Volunteer
The Flower Committee helps community members donate and compose dedications for the flower arrangements for our services. Members pick up arrangements from the florist, drop off vases back there and distribute flowers after they are used in the service to those who need cheering up. We also plant and maintain the flower pots (mostly watering, fertilizing and deadheading) outside the chapel doors. We would love to have volunteers who could help fill in for us from time to time to help with these tasks. Gardening skills would be nice, but not necessary. There is great satisfaction in contributing to making our chapel even more beautiful.
Time Commitment
Not more than a few hours a month. We meet informally after or before church on an as needed basis.
Hope House
Hope House provides food and shelter for the homeless and needy in the Utica area. Each year Big Moose Community Chapel sends a group of 7 – 9 volunteers to prepare and serve food to this population.
Time Commitment:
1 Day – Usually in the month of August.
Memorial Woods Groundskeeping
Join a group of volunteers to maintain Memorial Woods. Tasks include weeding and trail maintenance to help preserve the natural beauty of the site. No experience necessary, just a willingness to get your hands (and maybe your knees) dirty.
Time commitment:
The team will meet once a month in June, July and August to work together on various projects. Time to be selected based upon volunteer availability and schedules.
Music Committee
The Music Committee’s mission is to enhance fellowship within the Chapel community through music. This is primarily accomplished by organizing organ/piano music, choir and solo music performances during the weekly Chapel services. Additional musical events may also be provided for the Chapel community. As volunteer you will be expected to participate (by phone or Zoom) several times during the year to organize music programs and attend one meeting each summer to review and plan a budget. Committee members are not required to play music or sing but should understand the important role music has in bringing a community together in Christian fellowship.
Time Commitment:
The total time commitment is 3-4 hours over the Chapel year (September – August).
Newsletter (E-edition)
Mary Moore
No volunteers needed at this time
Outreach Committee/Committee Chair
The Outreach committee's mission is to reach out to the needs of all people physically, spiritually or financially within resource constraints by partnering with local service organizations. As volunteer you will be expected to participate in 2 meetings each summer. Committee members are assigned to and contact local non profits to determine their financial needs. Based on the research, the member reports at the 2nd meeting and makes a financial recommendation for each organization he or she is assigned. The committee, as a whole, finalizes the recommendations within budget constraints.
Time Commitment:
Total time commitment on an annual basis is 3-6 hours distributed over a 2 week period.
Public Relations/Publicity
Mary Moore
No volunteers needed
Quilt and Pack Basket Raffles
Mary Moore
Description: Selling tickets at Chapel events, June -September, including at the Bazaar and other Open Door events, but excluding Sunday coffee hours
Time Commitment: 1-1.5 hours per event
Sunday School
Mary Moore
Description: Sunday School is offered every Sunday during the regular worship season, but not after Labor Day. It includes time spent in the regular worship service then retiring downstairs for an age-appropriate Sunday School lesson and craft. Sunday School can accommodate time and talents brought forth, e.g., reading Bible stories, helping with a craft, or leading/teaching some music in Sunday School.
Time Commitment: No preparation required. Only time commitment is any Sunday (that you volunteer) during worship service.
No volunteers needed
Plans and prepares annual budget.
Tracks and handles all administration regarding revenues and expenses.
Provides financial reports for the Finance Committee and Board of Trustees.
See chapel handbook for additional information.
Time Commitment:
This position will require approximately 2 hours weekly. During peak summer programs, it will be more. During off season it will be less.
No volunteers needed
Big Moose Community Chapel Expectations when Selecting New Trustee Candidates who are being considered for a trustee position should understand and agree to the following expectations:
Able to participate in all or most trustee meetings and the Annual Meeting. Participation may include attending in-person, or through tele/video conferencing if offered.
Able to take part in special training sessions on matters like managing worship services, ushering, and other aspects of Chapel operations.
Able to communicate, and be available through email, cell phone, and/or land line.
Able and willing to take an active role in one or more Chapel committees, and/or to Chair a committee suited to one’s ability/interest.
Demonstrates hard work and initiative
Shows an interest, and acts upon opportunities to be an active participant in Chapel life and its activities, events, and operations.
Able and willing to help in Chapel and trustee activities
This may include, but is not limited to, participation as an usher; as coffee hour host; in helping in the work of Chapel events and activities such as the Balsam Bee, Bazaar, Open Doors projects, and/or other events/activities as they arise; and/or in volunteerism as needed.
Participates in worship services at the Chapel
Shows frequent attendance at worship services throughout the summer season, and helps as an usher or coffee hour host at least once per season if possible.
Should in-person attendance not be possible, shows active and helpful participation in Chapel activities, events, and operations as outlined above.
Time Commitment:
Time commitment varies but can be multiple meetings and events.
The primary function of ushers is to make people attending church feel welcomed, and to assist those leading worship in some of the logistics surrounding the service. Ushers greet and seat those coming to worship. They also handle the collection and the initial accounting of funds received. Ushers need to arrive about 45 minutes before the service and stay until after all people have left the chapel and the collection has been secured in the safe. A quick check list of usher duties is posted inside the door to the belfry. The trustees are taking the lead in ushering, but we welcome anyone who would like to work with one of the trustees or serve as a substitute.
Time Commitment
Approximately 2 ½ hours for each regular service.
Ushers and Coffee Hour Committee:
The Hosts and Ushers Committee schedules hosts and ushers encouraging a welcoming and friendly sanctuary for worship and the coffee hour after the service. The committee is responsible for ensuring that there are at least 2 ushers assigned for every Sunday service from Father’s Day in June until the last Sunday of September. The chairperson also arranges for there to be 2 coffee hour hosts for Sundays in July, August and the Sunday of Labor Day. For the final Sunday in September (Foliage Sunday), the chairperson will arrange for special decorations and solicit homemade cookies from a variety of volunteers.
The committee is responsible for procuring basic supplies for coffee hour at the beginning of the season and replenishing as needed throughout the season. Receipts should be collected and forwarded to the treasurer for reimbursement.
Time Commitment
Probably 6-8 hours over the course of the season. Chairperson should have a sign-up sheet available at the Memorial Day trustees meeting for them to select dates to usher or host coffee hour.
Volunteer Coordination Committee/Committee Chair
Organize, plan and implement systems designed to assist committee chairs and those in charge of programs to get volunteers when they are not able to. Ensure that volunteers are properly handed off and utilized to so that they are engaged and motivated to continue volunteering.
Time Commitment:
Approximately 2-4 meetings per year and unscheduled time as necessary to interact with committee chairs/program leads as well as implementing/maintaining systems. Once systems are in place maintaining them is not time intensive.
Volunteer Table Staffing
3-4 volunteers needed each summer to man the volunteer table after coffee hour. Volunteers are responsible for setting up and taking down the table each Sunday. During coffee hour they will actively engage with people at coffee hour and encourage volunteer sign ups. Sign ups will be handed off to the Volunteer Coordination Committee Chair for distribution to the appropriate committee chair/program lead.
Time Commitment:
3-5 Sundays per summer. Approximately 1.5 hours each Sunday. Total of not more than 7 hours per year.
Wedding Committee Chairperson:
The Chairperson is the liaison between the Chapel and potential wedding couples. S/he responds to any communications from a potential wedding couple, books the weddings, collects the paperwork and fee, sets up a wedding schedule, post dates on the on-line wedding calendar, meets with the wedding committee, puts together a hostess schedule, and shares wedding information with the hostess.
Time Commitment:
Depends on how many weddings are booked. Year round. Whatever amount of time it takes.
Wedding Committee Member:
Attend one (or more) wedding committee meeting(s). Sign up to hostess a wedding. Hostess wedding duties are listed in the Chapel Handbook.
Time Commitment:
Requires contact with the wedding couple usually by email.
Rehearsal- An hour and a half.
Wedding Day- 3 hours or so. An hour before the wedding and an hour after the wedding.
2-3 hour shifts on bazaar day at the booth.